Local made cocoa tea was one such product; this tea was tasty
and satisfying and contributed to the food stock of the rural community.
Let us go back and get some cocoa
All you need to
do is
Make cocoa Bars
Make Cocoa Tea
1.Get ten ripe
cocoa pods
2. Allow seeds to remain in pod for seven days
3.Crack pods and remove the seeds
4 Remove the seed
string or guts
5. Place seeds to dry
in the sun until it feels light
6 Place the beans in a
pot on low heat until the shell starts to fall off
8.Grind the beans with
a hand mill
9 Add spices, selement
leaves, tonko beans .
10. Roll the oily
cocoa substance into small almond shapes about six inches in length
11. You have made
cocoa bars.
Make the Cocoa
1 Place water in pot and allow coming
to a rolling boil
2. Grate the cocoa bar
on a grater approximately half ounce per cup of tea
3. Place the grated
cocoa into the boiling water, allowing continuing boiling for another three
4. Add milk and sugar
to satisfy taste
Take of the fire
and serve.