Tuesday 21 July 2015


Oysters the aphrodisiac
Oysters are found in the mangroves  It grows on the bark of the stilt sections of mangrove trees, which are exposed during low tides and covered during high tides. This oyster has evolved to survive exposed to the air during low tides. The mangrove oyster is found on Caribbean and Atlantic South American and West African shorelines.
No Cooking is necessary
All to be done is
     Remove the Shell
     Make the Sauce
     And Drink

A seasoned bottle of sauce is made by mixing tomato ketchup , black pepper, garlic, onions, shado beni,  sugar, salt and pepper. These ingredients are placed in proportions to the desired taste of the user, e.g ,If there is a need to have a garlic taste more garlic is added. More bitter means more pepper
The meat of the oyster is removed from the shell washed in clean water and placed in a glass. The flesh of approximately twenty 0ysters would be in one serving. The glass is then three quarter filled with the sauce, approximately ten drops of lime is then squeezed into the glass, it is then stirred into the sauce and is ready for drinking

You must try it , it’s tasty, smooth, and has been around a very long time


  1. Oysters taste good it all depends on the pepper and seasoning being used

  2. Oysters are caught from dirty rivers, it must be sterilized before use

  3. I have always been hesitant to try this but would prefer to prepare at home though.

  4. What is it good for still didn't get that info.
