Mango season is here
types of mangoes, starch, Doo-douse, Julie, calabash,
cutlass, long , You
name it , We have it in Trinidad & Tobago
Make Mango
Just get

7 1/4 pts water
1 1/2 tsp acid blend
1/2 tsp pectic enzyme
1 tsp yeast nutrient
1/4 tsp tannin
Wine yeast
Bring water to a
rolling boil,
· Peel mangoes and remove
the flesh from the see
· Slice and dice the flesh. Pour diced flesh in
nylon straining bag, tie bag and put in bucket,
· pour in the water, mash
the flesh with your hands or a sterilised potato masher.
. Add acid blend, tannin and yeast nutrient.
· Cover and allow to
cool to room temperature.
Add pectic enzyme, cover bucket and set aside for 12 hours.
· Squeeze bag two to three times daily for ten
· Drip drain bag,
squeeze gently to extract extra juice and discard pulp .
· Allow wine to settle
overnight, and then strain into fermenting vessel.
· Top up and fit airlock.
· Stabilise by placing
in a cool place where it will not be disturbed.
Strain again after 30 days and again every two months for six months.
Stabilise, sweeten to
taste, wait ten days, and strain into bottles.
Age this wine a year before
chilled or over ice.
Alcohol Sales to person's under the age of 18 years is an offense in Trinidad & Tobago
Alcohol Sales to person's under the age of 18 years is an offense in Trinidad & Tobago
Truly authentic and delicious